Concordanza 1 (tense agreement)

These two (2) four-week, intensive grammar courses are designed for intermediate to advanced students looking to deepen their knowledge and understanding of Italian verb tenses, and the (seemingly!) complex rules and regulations for their "agreement." You will learn that certain tenses can coexist peacefully in a sentence, while others are so spectacularly incompatible that any attempt to use them together will have the carabinieri knocking on your door. The correct sequencing of tenses is a subtle art, and one of the distinguishing markers of proficiency in spoken and written Italian. By the end of "Concordanza 1" you will be well on your way!

Grammar Forum

4 weeks courses (60 minutes class, once a week) to review specific grammar topic
with Peter Lieberman

ONLINE Tuesday 5:30 pm ET (April 1st-22nd, 2025)

IN-PERSON Wednesday 12:30 pm ET (June 4th-25st, 2025)

Concordanza 2 (indirect discourse)

The second of this complementary pair of four-week, intensive grammar courses, "Concordanza 2" is designed for intermediate to advanced students looking to deepen their knowledge and understanding of Italian verb tenses, and to practice using "indirect discourse" in particular. You will learn to correctly describe things you have heard and overheard, to recount what you have read, and to pass along information you have acquired elsewhere. The ability to "report speech" is essential to the mastery of a new language: in "Concordanza 2" you will develop and hone this skill through both in-depth analysis and everyday, practical use.

ONLINE Tuesday 5:30 pm ET (April 29th-May 20th, 2025)

IN-PERSON Wednesday 12:30 pm ET (April 30th-May 21st, 2025)


Discover the myriad ways to speak in generalities with the "impersonal si"; explore the art of avoiding responsibility in the passive voice ("mistakes were made..."); use "impersonal expressions" to describe situations without need for a personal subject; break free from the intermediate-level drudgery of always having to talk about yourself! While English demands a subject of all its verbs, Italian has many ways of avoiding one; the impersonal and passive si, impersonal expressions, and the passive voice communicate what "one does," what "is said," what "is important to do" or what "is nice to eat," and what "was built by the Romans" (most things, it turns out). "Impersonalities" will be a deep dive into these structures that tend to get less attention than they deserve.

IN-PERSON Wednesday 12:30 pm ET (April 2nd-23rd, 2025)

ONLINE Tuesday 5:30 pm ET (June 3rd-24th, 2025)

The America-Italy Society of Philadelphia promotes friendship and cultural understanding between the Republic of Italy and the United States of America

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